i think of this incredible retreat as more of an adult playhouse, than a grownup’s home — with everything you ever dreamed of coming to life in one very stunning setting. recently featured in dwell magazine , and photographed beautifully by brian w. ferry — one of my favorite photographers, this is a modern rustic home and barn, complete with its own ‘sauna tower’ designed by architects & interior designers at BarlisWedlick Architects in new york’s lush hudson valley — an area just a train ride from the bustling city that i really love. the owner had some very eclectic building ideas, including a request for a brass pole from an old fire station in Boston, and like a giant ‘adult’ tree fort, connected to the main house by a narrow bridge, is a three-story cedar tower with a sauna at its base. the screened-in second level includes a picnic-like dining table and chairs and a swing on the tower’s top level for an amazing view of the grounds — talk about your dream house! The issue of dwell featuring Ian Hague’s rural retreat is on newsstands right now and online right here.
• photography by brian w. ferry for dwell.