i’ve long been an admirer of entrepreneur and Minted founder Mariam Naficy — we’ve collaborated together on projects for a long while now, and i’ve been to her beautiful home in san francisco for events. but i was excited to see domino feature her art-filled napa valley home. it’s laid back and relaxed as a home in wine country should be, but it’s also elegant and colorful at the same time, with bold textiles and collectibles from her worldwide travels to tanzania, paris and beyond. and if you’re not familiar with her company Minted, you should be — an online marketplace of independent artists and designers. Minted crowdsources art and graphic design through monthly design challenges and the public votes for the winning entries, which Minted then produces into stationery, wall art, and decor, so it’s not surprising her home would be filled with inspiring art. i particularly love the mural behind the bed — mariam’s brilliant solution to (not) hanging art above your bed in earthquake country. for the full tour and resources, visit domino.
• photography by thayer gowdy for domino.
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