sugar & cloth has a great diy tutorial on this pom pom wall hanging.
what is it about a pom pom that makes us go so giddy? is it just fun to say? i think it must be some sort of childhood flashback, or perhaps it’s that they’re just so darn cheerful to look at — it’s like i’m five years old again everytime i see one. there’s kind of a nostaligic vintage vibe to a pom pom, too. let’s face it, i’m just a sucker for anything with a pom pom on it, and have several throw blankets to prove it. i’m pretty into anything felted and fringed, too — even fashion. i think they’re fairly easy to make — check out this tutorial on sugar & cloth (above + below). when in doubt, put a pom pom on it!
eliza gran pom pom baskets at mille.
arizona garland from sheep farm felt.
pom tassel curtains from anthropologie.
anthropologie’s pom-dash pillow; west elm’s Jay Street Ashti Pom Pom Pillow Cover; Magical Thinking Pom-Fringe Sham Set from urban outfitters; la casa decoto throw blankets; and la casa decoto pink pom pom pillows.
maven collection’s pretty in pink pom pom trimmed blanket.
mui ma* also carries an abundance of moroccan pom pom pillows and blankets (above + below).
eliza gran pom pom basket at leif shop.