what is it about a weekend getaway that just gets you wander lusting after an even longer stay somewhere fabulous? i think it may be that we all just need more vacation time! and, you get to chit chatting with fellow travelers about their favorite destinations, like i did this weekend and you hear about all kinds of dreamy holiday spots. one such place is Pensão Agrícola is a small six room hotel located in a fishing village in Portugal. Originally it was a farmhouse built in 1920 and owned by the family of Silva Gomes, who gifted the property to their only daughter as a wedding present. It remained a farm for many years, but then fell into neglect. 40 years later the property was beautifully restored by architects Atelier Rua and today is a stunning but minimalist guest retreat. Portugal is high on my must-visit travel list, and i can very easily see myself landing at Pensão Agrícola. have a look around — pretty splendid, isn’t it? next up — more on my long weekend stay away in laguna. sorry in advance for giving you wander lust, too.
• photography via Pensão Agrícola and architectural digest espana.